We will help you to find the best sailingschool that suits you best. Since many small Cyprus' sailing schools do not have their own homepage or use Facebook as their only medium, this page serves as a free overview of commercial and private sailing schools.
An important factor in choosing a sailing school in Cyprus is the predictable wind. The wind blows several hours a day, allowing for longer sailing sessions. In summer it often blows from 12:00-18:30 and in winter from morning until sunset. In the months of May, June and July, southwesterly winds of more than 15 knots usually prevail. In winter (December-March) easterly winds of 10-25 knots are also common.
The average swell consists of waves up to 1 meter, which any boat can sail and enjoy. With the easterly breeze, the waves can get a little bigger, up to 2 meters, depending on where you sail.